Tuesday, March 31, 2009

If you're not the one.(draft)

"I dont wanna run away but I cant take it I dont understand if im not made for you.."
then why does my heart tell me that I am
Ive never fallen so hard to not catch myself falling for a false reality
been too caught up in your lies to know that you've been lying to me
Just wanted to hear words that cant break my heart
but those lies ripped me apart
and now im bleeding faster than my body could ever heal.
to what felt compulsory right, now my pulse is not right
because I think you fractured my centered control center
having heard only want I wanted,
having to ask "why do you love me?" redundantly.
I wanna know why has falling in love with me been such a migraine?
for it pains you to hear me cry and it kills me to see you angry


  1. i love the way it fits the poem and the daniel bedingfield song :) awesome

  2. Faith!!!!! i freakin loved that one!!! It's freakin awesome!!! Best yet!!! is it fin??? i can't wait to hear it after you're done.
